Publikationen 2021
- M Evers, A Rinke, J Rütz, A Ramaswamy, E Maurer, DK Bartsch
Prognostic factors in curative resected logoregional small intestine neuroendocrine neoplasms
World J Surg. 2021; 45: 1109-1117
DK Bartsch, E Matthäi, I Mintziras, C Bauer, J Figiel, M Sina-Boemers, T M Gress, P LangerNationale Fallsammlung für familiäres Pankreaskarzinom (FaPaCa) Erkenntnisse nach 20 JahrenDeutsche Ärzteblatt Int. 2021; 118:63-8
C Jaworek, Y Verel-Yilmaz, S. Driesch, S Ostgathe, L Cook, S Wagner, DK Bartsch, EP Slater, JW Bartsch
Cohort analysis of ADAM8 expression in the PDAC tumor stroma
J Pers Med 2021; 11 (2) 113
EP Slater, LM Wilke, LB Böhm, K Strauch, M. Lutz, N. Gercke, E Matthäi, K Hemminki, A Försti, M Schlesner, N Paramavasian, DK Bartsch
Combination of low-frequency genetic variants might predispose of familial Pancreatic cancer
J Pers Med 2021; 11: 631
E Maurer, M Heinzel-Gutenbrunner, A Rinke, J Rütz, K Holzer, J Figiel, M Luster, DK Bartsch
Relevant prognostic factors in patients with stage IV small intestine neuroendocrine neoplasms
J Neuroendocrinol 2021; Dec 8:e13076.
A Kirschbaum
General Overview of Mediastinal Tumors: Classification, Approchades, Biposy
Zentralbl Chir 2021; 146 (1): 105-110
M Pojskic, M Bopp, B Saß, A Kirschbaum, C CB Nimsky
Intraoperativ Computed Tomography-Based Navigation with Augmented Reality for lateral Approches to the Spine
Brain Sci 2021; 11 (5): 646
A Kirschbaum, TM Surowiec, A Pehl, T Wiesmann, DK Bartsch, N Mirow
Local lung coagulation post resection: an ex-vivo porocine model
Lasers Med Sci 2021; a head of print
A Kirschbaum, A Ivanovic, T Wiesmann, N Mirow, C Meyer
Determiation of initial airtightness after anatomical laser segmentectomy in an ex vivo model
Lasers Med Sci 2021; ahead of print
RP Thomas, S Viniol, AM König, I Portig, Z Swaid, AH Mahnken
Feasiblity and safety of automated CO2 angiography in peripheral arterial interventions
Medicine (Baltimore) 2021; (1) 15: 100 (2)
N Wagener, M Buchholz, P Bertolino, CX Zhang, P Di Fazio
Exploring the MEN1 dependent modulation of caspase 8 and caspase 3 in human pancreatic and murine embryo fibroblast cells.
Apoptosis 2021; 12 (8)
S Wächter, P Di Fazio, E Maurer, J Manoharan, C Keber, A Pfestroff, D Librizz, DK Bartsch, M Luster, F Eilsberger
Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen in Anaplastic and Poorly Differentiated Thyroid Cancer-A New Diagnostic and Therapeutic Target?
Cancers (Basel) 2021; Nov 14; 13(22)
P Di Fazio, FD Rusche, S Roth, A Pehl, S Wächter, I Mintziras, DK Bartsch, K Holzer
Long Non-Coding RNA H19 Expression Correlates with Autophagy Process in Adrenocortical Carcinoma.
Cancer Invest. 2021 Nov 16:1-14
MA Kolodziej, H Gött, B Kopischke, MKF Bender, MA Weigand, P Di Fazio, FP Schwarm, F Uhle
Antiproliferative effect of GTS-21 in glioblastoma cells.
Oncol Lett. 2021 Nov;22(5):759
DJ Klionsky, P Di Fazio, al
Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy
(4th edition)1 Autophagy. 2021 Jan;17(1):1-382
P Di Fazio
The epitranscriptome: At the crossroad of cancer prognosis.
EBioMedicine. 2021 Feb;64:103231
J Manoharan, M Anlauf, MB Albers, UW Denzer, I Mintziras, S Wächter, P Di Fazio, C Bollmann, DK Bartsch
Gastric enterochromaffin-like cell changes in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2021 Sep; 95(3): 439-446
S. Matrood, N de Prisco, TT Wissniowski, D Wiese, S Jabari, H Griesmann, M Wanzel T Stiewe, D Neureiter, E Klieser, I Mintziras, M Buchholz, DK Bartsch, VA Gennarino, P Di Fazio
Modulation of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplastic Cell Fate by Autophagy- Mediated Death.
Neuroendocrinology. 2021;111(10):965-985
I Mintziras, K Peer, J Görlach, JN Goebel, A Ramaswamy, EP Slater, PH Kann, DK Bartsch
Adult Proinsulinomatosis Associated With a MAFA Germline Mutation as a Rare Cause of Recurrent Hypoglycemia.
Pancreas. 2021 Nov-Dec 01;50(10):1450-1453.
Y Verel-Yilmaz, JP Fernández, A Schäfer, S Nevermann, L Cook, N Gercke, F Hemprobst, C Jaworek, E Pogge von Strandmann, A Pagenstecher, DK Bartsch, JW Bartsch, EP Slater
Extracellular Vesicle-Based Detection of Pancreatic Cancer.
Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021 Jul 23; 9:697939
EP Slater, LM Wilke, LB Böhm, K Strauch, M Lutz N Gercke, E Matthäi, K Hemminki, A Försti, M Schlesner, N Paramasivam, DK Bartsch
Combinations of Low-Frequency Genetic Variants Might Predispose to Familial Pancreatic Cancer.
J Pers Med. 2021 Jul 2;11(7):631
A Repening, D Happel, C Bouchard, M Meixner, Y Verel-Yilmaz, H Raifer, L Holembowski, E Krause, E Kremmer, R Feederle, CU Keber, M Lohoff, EP Slater, DK Bartsch, UM Bauer
PRMT1 promotes the tumor suppressor function of p14ARF and is indicative for pancreatic cancer prognosis.
EMBO J. 2021 Jul 1;40(13):e106777.
Poster CAEK 2021:
E Maurer, M Heinzel-Gutenbrunner, A Rinke, J Rütz, K Holzer, J Figiel, M Luster, D K Bartsch
"Relevant prognostic factors in patients with stage IV small intestine neuroendocrine neoplasms"
"Relevant prognostic factors in patients with stage IV small intestine neuroendocrine neoplasms"
E Maurer, C Vorländer, A Zielke, C Dotzenrath, M von Frankenberg, H Köhler, K Lorenz, T Weber, J Jähnel, A Hammer, K A Böttcher, K Schwarz, C Klinger, H J Buhr, D K Bartsch und die StuDoQ/Thyroid Study Group:
"Fallzahlauswertung der chirurgischen Therapie des M. Basedow in Deutschland hinsichtlich postoperativer Komplikationen"
CAEK 2021