Ein Unternehmen der RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG

Dr. med. dent. Jens Martin Herrmann

Zahnarzt Tel.: 0641/99-46192 Fax: 0641/99-46189 J.M.Herrmann@uniklinikum-giessen.de

Education 10/1990 – 06/1995 Undergraduate Studies in Medicine and Dentistry 07/1995 – 12/1995 Final Examinations 1996 – 2002 Postgraduate Studies in combination with the postgraduate program in Periodontology Department of Periodontology Justus Liebig University Director: Prof. Dr. J. Meyle Schlangenzahl 14 D – 35392 Giessen (Germany) 09/25/2001 Doctorate in Medical Dentistry (Dr. med. dent.) 09/2002 Board Exam DGP (German Society for Periodontology) in Baden Baden, Germany Professional Experience 02/01/1996– 09/30/2002 Staff Member at the Universitaetsklinikum – ZMK Poliklinik für Parodontologie Director: Prof. Dr. J. Meyle Schlangenzahl 14 D – 35392 Giessen (Germany) 12/01/2002– 12/31/2006 Staff Member and Feodor Lynen Scholar of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation (AvH-Foundation) 09/22/2008 Appointed Adjunct Assistant Professor of Periodontology and Oral Biology at the Goldman School of Dental Medicine Department of Periodontology and Oral Biology Director: Dr. T. E. Van Dyke 100 E. Newton ST – Room No G107 Boston, MA 02108 (USA) Membership in scientific societies and foundations Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation (AvH-Foundation) American Association of Dental Research (AADR) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Parodontologie (DGP = German Association of Periodontology) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Zahn-, Mund- & Kieferheilkunde (DGZMK = German Society of Dental, Oral & Craniomandibular Sciences) International Association of Dental Research (IADR) Society of Leukocyte Biology (SLB) Prizes and honorable distinctions 1997 1st research prize for the best poster presentation at the annual scientific meeting of the German Association of Periodontology in Leipzig (Germany); 11/15/1997 1st research prize for the best poster at the European Forum of Dentistry in Frankfurt (Germany) 9/19/1998 1st research prize for the best poster presentation at the annual scientific meeting of the German Association of Periodontology in Wuerzburg (Germany) – this time as an co-author 09/15/2001 3rd research prize for the best poster presentation at the annual scientific meeting of the German Association of Periodontology in Luebeck (Germany) 09/21/2002 Friedrich-Kreter-Prize for the best dissertation from the "Zahnaerztlicher Verein zu Frankfurt ” and the Landeszahnaerztekammer Hessen, in Frankfurt (Germany) (i.e. the Dental Association of Frankfurt establ. 1863 at the meeting of the Dental Chamber of Hessen) 04/06/2004– 03/31/2006 Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation Hosts: Dr. Thomas E. Van Dyke and Dr. Lewis Wray, Jr. at Boston University, Goldman School of Dental Medicine and School of Medicine 09/14/2007 1st IAP/Sunstar Award at the 11th Biennial Congress in Berne (Switzerland). Joined meeting of the International Academy of Periodontology (IAP) and the Swiss Society of Periodontology (SSP)